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What materials are commonly used for Full Card Blister Packaging?

Full card blister packaging is a type of packaging commonly used for retail products, where the product is enclosed in a clear plastic blister that is heat-sealed to a printed cardboard backing. The choice of materials for full card blister packaging typically includes:
Plastic Blister: The blister portion of the packaging is made from a clear, rigid plastic material. Commonly used plastics for blister packaging include PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) and PET (Polyethylene terephthalate). PVC is often used for its clarity and durability, while PET is known for its environmental friendliness as it is recyclable.
Cardboard Backing: The backing or card portion of the packaging is usually made from a sturdy cardboard material. The cardboard provides support to the blister and serves as a surface for printing product information, branding, graphics, and promotional messages. Various types of cardboard or paperboard, such as SBS (Solid Bleached Sulphate) board or CCNB (Clay Coated News Back) board, may be used based on the desired strength and printability requirements.
Adhesive: To secure the blister to the cardboard backing, an adhesive is used. The adhesive can be a heat-activated adhesive that is applied to the cardboard and activated during the heat-sealing process, or it can be a pressure-sensitive adhesive that allows for easy attachment of the blister to the card.
It's worth noting that the specific materials used for full card blister packaging can vary based on factors such as the product's size, weight, fragility, and desired presentation. Additionally, environmental considerations may lead to the use of more sustainable materials, such as bio-based or recycled plastics and FSC-certified cardboard.