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What are the specific industry regulations or standards for full card blister packaging?

Full card blister packaging is a type of packaging commonly used to display and protect products, especially in retail settings. While there might not be specific regulations solely dedicated to full card blister packaging, there are general packaging regulations, guidelines, and industry standards that apply to packaging materials, design, labeling, and environmental considerations. Here are some aspects to consider:
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC): In the United States, the CPSC provides regulations and guidelines for product packaging, including warning labels, choking hazards, and child-resistant packaging requirements. These regulations aim to ensure the safety of consumers, especially children.
ISO Standards: The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has standards related to packaging that can be relevant to full card blister packaging. ISO 18602:2013, for example, provides guidelines for packaging and the environment, covering aspects like material selection and waste management.
ASTM International: ASTM has standards that cover various aspects of packaging, including design, testing, and labeling. ASTM D3475-18 is a guide for test methods for evaluating primary flexible packaging materials.
Sustainable Packaging Guidelines: As environmental concerns grow, many industries and organizations are adopting sustainable packaging practices. Consider guidelines from organizations like The Sustainable Packaging Coalition or local environmental agencies that encourage reduced waste, use of recyclable materials, and minimal use of harmful substances.
Retailer-Specific Guidelines: Large retailers often have their own packaging guidelines and requirements that suppliers must adhere to. These guidelines may cover aspects such as labeling, packaging dimensions, and sustainability criteria.
Material Safety and Compliance: Packaging materials, including plastics used in blister packaging, might need to comply with regulations such as REACH (Europe) or the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) in the United States.
Recycling Symbols and Codes: Packaging should include appropriate recycling symbols and codes to help consumers identify how to properly recycle the packaging materials.
Labeling and Information: Packaging should provide accurate and clear information about the product, including usage instructions, warnings, and contact information for the manufacturer or distributor.
Child-Resistant Packaging (if applicable): If the packaged product is potentially hazardous to children, it might need to meet child-resistant packaging standards to prevent accidental ingestion or harm.