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What are the key elements of the slide card and the blister?

Slide card and blister are two different types of packaging, each with its own key elements:
Slide card:
Slide card is a rigid, foldable cardboard panel that is usually made of paperboard or plastic.
It is designed to hold and protect the product during transportation and storage.
The slide card usually has a series of parallel channels that are used to slide the product out of the cardboard panel.
It may also have a window to show the product and its branding.
Blister is a type of packaging that is made of plastic and is usually used for holding solid products such as tablets, capsules, or other small items.
The blister is usually made of two halves: a base and a cover. The base contains the cavities to hold the product, while the cover seals the blister.
The blister is designed to protect the product from external environment and moisture.
It also provides a barrier to prevent the product from being accidentally dispensed or tampered with.
The blister may also have a label that displays the product information, warnings, and instructions.