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What are the environmental issues of Clamshell Blister Packaging?

The environmental issues of Clamshell Blister Packaging are mainly reflected in the following aspects:
Material source and manufacturing process: This type of packaging is often made from plastic materials, the production of which often relies on fossil fuels. The plastic manufacturing process may involve energy consumption and emissions, which may have a certain impact on the environment.
Non-degradability: Traditional clamshell blister packaging materials tend not to degrade easily and take a long time to break down in the natural environment. This results in large amounts of packaging waste accumulating in landfills or causing plastic pollution, negatively impacting soil, water and ecosystems.
Resource recovery and reuse: Although some clamshell blister packaging materials can be recycled, many of these types of packaging are still eventually disposed of as garbage due to imperfect recycling systems or low recycling rates. In addition, the separation and cleaning steps in the recycling process may also create additional environmental burdens.
Environmental impact and sustainable development: As people's awareness of environmental protection increases, the demand for sustainable packaging is also growing. The environmental impact of clamshell blister packaging goes against the goals of sustainable development, necessitating the search for greener alternatives.
To alleviate these issues, some companies are exploring using more environmentally friendly materials to manufacture clamshell blister packs, such as biodegradable plastics or recyclable materials. At the same time, improving the recycling system, increasing recycling rates and promoting sustainable packaging concepts are also key measures to solve environmental problems.
To sum up, the environmental protection issues of clamshell blister packaging are mainly reflected in the aspects of material source, non-degradability, resource recycling and sustainable development. To combat these problems, comprehensive measures are needed, including using more environmentally friendly materials, improving recycling systems, and promoting sustainable packaging concepts.